Debunking the Olive Oil Fridge Test Myth
With so many reports about low quality oils sold fraudulently as extra virgin, it's no wonder the "fridge test" myth has been circulating online for a while now. It's been circulating so long there are actually conflicting versions. So what's the scoop?
Way back in 2013, scientists at the UC Davis Olive Center tested low quality and high quality olive oil, from high quality extra virgin olive oil all the way to low quality processed refined olive oils, and non-olive varieties and found the test was useless in determining if an olive oil is actually extra virgin, and even if it is made of olives!
So where does that leave you ,the consumer?
The best way to tell if an extra virgin olive oil is real is to use your senses. Luckily, the same natural compounds that make high quality extra virgin olive oil so healthy are also those that make it taste good.
First look at the color -- Real EVOO ranges in color from golden to green, depending on the olive type used to make the oil, harvest time, and so on. If it's clear or watery looking, stay away.
Now smell the olive oil. Real EVOO smells good! It can smell flowery, fruity, grassy, the list goes on, depending on the type of olives, but it will always smell natural and good. If it smells industrial or chemical or rancid - stay away.
Finally, taste the olive oil. Real EVOO is a delight with every mouthful. Holive Oil, for example, tastes blossomy with a nutty undertone, and a bit of a peppery bite. If you stick your finger in it and lick, you'll be wanting more.
Happy eating!